Graduate Student Placement History
Most graduates from UC Irvine’s Department of Political Science doctoral program have
proceeded to work at research universities and liberal arts colleges, while others
have pursued non-academic careers in government, nongovernmental organizations, and
private industry.
Below is a complete list of our Ph.D. graduates and their placements since the 2007-08 academic year.
Name | Dissertation | Placement* | Degree Awarded |
Kristen Aanstoos | Local Voices at the Table: How Participation in Peace Processes Shapes Women's Political Empowerment | Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Public and International Affairs, University of Cincinnati | 2024 |
Wondong Lee | The Discursive Politics of Transnational anti-LGBTQ+ Activism in South Korea | Center for International Studies at Inha University | Research Fellow | 2024 |
Benjamin Hoyt | Scepticism Without Reductionism: A Reimagination of the Political Thought of Bernard Williams | Mercer University | Assistant Professor | 2023 |
Benjamin Raynor | The Political Economy of Post-Sanction Reinvestment: Why Firms Dive in or Defer After Financial Sanctions | Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) | Senior Country Risk Analyst - The Americas | 2023 |
Kyle McWagner | The Existence and Impact of Partisan Political Intolerance | University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee | Visiting Assistant Professor | 2023 |
Prince Paa-Kwesi Heto | Regional Peace and Conflict: The Role of Global Value Chains | Soka University of America, Graduate School | 2023 |
Robin Brooks Ishler | The Case for a New English School: A New Response To The Fourth Debate | Touro University | Assistant Professor of Political Science | 2023 |
Chaz Briscoe | Exhibiting a Black Ecology of Environmental Degradation: Anti-Blackness Coalescing Around Multiple Sites of Power | Virginia Tech | Postdoctoral Fellow | 2022 |
Nathan Chan | Youth Consciousness and Intergenerational Solidarity in American Political Behavior | Loyola Marymount University | Assistant Professor | 2022 |
Isabel Gonzales | And If the World Should End Tonight...: Racial Capitalism, Sexual Mythmaking, and Tumblr’s Queer-of-Color Worlds of Resistance | University of Virginia | Postdoctoral Fellow | 2022 |
Misbah Hyder | Empowerment through Submission: Conceptualizing Ahmadiyya Muslim Agency as Sabr | Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of Notre Dame | Postdoctoral Fellow | 2022 |
Paul Love | Emergent strategic culture: Post-Cold War Europe navigating great power relations with the U.S., Russia, and China | New York University - Abu Dhabi | 2022 |
Phoebe Moon | When the Target Fights Back:Economic Coercion and Interstate Conflict in the Era of Global Value Chains | Mercer University | Assistant Professor | 2022 |
Bianca Rubalcava | Naming Racism, Confronting Anti-Blackness: Transnational Mexican American Racialization and Coalition Building | University of Pacific | Assistant Profoessor | 2022 |
Pooya Safarzadeh | Legalizing Foreignness: The Supreme Court’s Adoption of Racial Stereotypes in its Wartime Civil Liberties Cases | Cal State University East Bay | Assistant Professor | 2022 |
Shauna Gillooly | Incomplete Peace and Strategies of Resilience in Columbia | American Council on Learned Societies & The Carnegie Foundation | Leading Edge Postdoctoral Fellow | 2021 |
James Nguyen | Cosmopolitan Intergenerational Justice and Climate Change | Canadian Federal Government, Ottawa | Policy Analyst at Natural Resources | 2021 |
Elham Kazemi | "Narratives of 'Terror' and Transitional Justice: The Politics of Exclusion" | Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) | Senior Research Associate | 2021 |
Chungjae Lee | Inventing "The People": The Discourse of Democratic Transformation in Early 20th Century Imperial Japan and Colonial Korea | Gettysburg College | Visiting Assistant Professor | 2021 |
Lev Nachman | Movement Parties in Contested States: The Case of Taiwan's Post-Sunflower Movement Parties | National Taiwan University | Assistant Professor | 2021 |
Daeun Song | The Asian American Division over Affirmative Action: Examining the Case of SCA5 and the Rise of Chinese American Conservatism | Ministry of Foreign Affairs, South Korea | Senior Analyst | 2020 |
Brett Savage | California Special Districts – Accountability, Composition, and Trends | Cal Poly San Luis Obispo | Lecturer | 2020 |
Stacey Liou | Political Intelligibility and the Performative Force of Assembly | University of Florida | Assistant Professor | 2020 |
Jonathan Cervas | A Quantitative Assessment of the Electoral College, 1790-2020 | Carnegie Mellon University, Institute for Politics and Strategy | Post doctoral Fellow | 2020 |
Christopher Stoughton | The Tragedy of Climate Change | California State Polytechnic University, Pomona | Lecturer | 2020 |
Hallee Caron | Persuasion without Protection: Readmission Agreements, Informal Arrangesments, and the International Refugee Regime | California State Auditor Office | Auditor Evaluator | 2020 |
Mary Anne Mendoza | Educated into Violence: The Colonial Origins of Separatist Rebellion | California State Polytechnic University, Pomona | Assistant Professor | 2020 |
Maneesh Arora | Which Race Card? Understanding Racial Appeals in U.S. Politics | Wellesley College | Assistant Professor | 2019 |
Archie Delshad | Politicization and Racialization: Iranian American Political Participation and Identity Formation | Fullerton College | Associate Professor | 2019 |
John Emery | War by Algorithm: Giambattista Vico and Ethics of War in the Technological Era | University of Oklahoma | Assistant Professor of International Security | 2019 |
Jovan Milojevich | Yugoslavia Revisited: An Examination of the Immediate Effects and Long-Term Implications of Western (Foreign) Policies During and After the Yugoslav Crisis | Oklahoma State University | Visiting Assistant Professor | 2019 |
Alexandra Raleigh | Transitional Justice as a Complex System: The Dynamics of Holistic Justice in South Africa | Case Western Reserve University School of Law | Law Student | 2019 |
Alex Lee | Nuclear Debates and Political Competition in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan: Denuclearization or Nuclear Latency in the aftermath of Fukushima | National Geospatial Agency, Department of Defense | 2019 |
Hannah Kim | Middle Class and Democratic Citizenship in East Asia | University of Nebraska Omaha | Assistant Professor | 2019 |
Dirk Horn | Two Paths: A Comparative Analysis of the Narco-economics and Drug Control Policies in Latin America--The Case of Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, and Uruguay | California State University, Bakersfield | Visiting Assistant Professor | 2018 |
Pernilla Johansson | External Actors in International Peacebuilding |
Sida | Head of Sida Partnership Forum |
2018 |
Marcos Scauso | Indianismo: Debating Conditions of Possibility for Multi-relational Coexistence | Quinnipiac University | Assistant Professor | 2018 |
Trevor Allen | The Far Right and the Left Behind: The Demographic Deepening and Surprising Durability of Far Right Parties in Western Europe, 2009-2014 | Central Connecticut State University | Associate Professor | 2017 |
Carrie Reiling | Advocating for Themselves: Seeking Security Through Women's Peacebuilding Organizations in Cote D'Ivoire | Washington College | Assistant Professor | 2017 |
Misty Knight-Finley | Rights, Regimes, and Reinvention: The Role of the Welfare State in Same-Sex Relationship Recognition Policy | Rowan University | Assistant Professor | 2017 |
Hannah Alarian | Migrant Employment and the Foundations of Integration: A Multimethod Approach | University of Florida | Assistant Professor | 2017 |
Peter Beattie | Crooked Timber and the Broken Branch: The Invisible Hand in the Marketplace of Ideas | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Assistant Professor | 2017 |
Katelyn Finley | Inequality Across Transition Counties: The Demand for and Supply of Income Redistribution | University of California, Irvine | Lecturer | 2017 |
Jennifer Jones | Talk "Like a Man:" Feminine Style in the Pursuit of Political Power | Loyola Marymount University | Visiting Assistant Professor | 2017 |
Sahar Khan | Legitimizing State-sponsored Militants: The Role of Civil Institutions in Pakistan | Cato Institute, Washington, DC | Post-Doc | 2017 |
Joshua Malnight | Economic Coercion and the Logics of Global Business | Signet Jewelers | Citizen Data Scientist | 2017 |
Kelsey Norman | Reluctant Reception: Understanding Host State Migration and Refugee Policies in Egypt, Morocco and Turkey | Rice University, Baker Institute for Public Policy | Director, Women's Rights, Human Rights and Refugees Program & Fellow for the Middle East | 2017 |
Graham Odell | From the Ashes Shall Rise: Determinants of State Reconstitution in Republican China and Sengoku Japan | Pomona College | Lecturer | 2017 |
James Alexander Keena | The Electoral Consequences of Size in American Politics | Virginia Commonwealth University | Assistant Professor | 2016 |
Kenneth Chaiprasert | The Political Incorporation of Children of Refugees: The Experience of Central Americans and Southeast Asians in the U.S. | East Los Angeles College | Assistant Professor | 2016 |
Heather Cox | Essays of Foreign Direct Investment, Financial Development, and Economic Institutions | U.S. International Trade Commission | International Economist | 2016 |
John Cuffe | Marginals, Mavericks, and Majorities: Elements of Legislative Behavior, Politics, and Elections | U.S. Census Bureau | Statistician | 2016 |
Jennifer Garcia | From Protest to Policymaking: African American Legislative Behavior in the Post-War Era | Oberlin College | Assistant Professor | 2016 |
Lev Marder | Economies of Ignorance: Genealogical Study of Political Ignorance in Late Modernity | Queen's University | SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow | 2016 |
Robert Nyenhuis | The Prevalence of Populism in Latin America: Contenders, Citizens, and Campaigns | California Polytechnic University, Pomona | Assistant Professor | 2016 |
Tanya Schwarz | Instruments of the Divine? Faith-Based Organizations in International Politics | American Political Science Association, Director | 2016 |
Arturo Jimenez-Bacardi | Speaking Law to War: International Law, Legal Advisers, and Bureaucratic Contestation in U.S. Defense Policy | University of South Florida | Assistant Professor | 2015 |
Johanna Solomon | Identity Change in Jewish-Muslim Inter-Group Contact: A Longitudinal Study of Two Inter-Group Dialogue Programs | Kent State University | Assistant Professor | 2015 |
John Altick | Radical Democracy: A Principled Disruption | The Citadel | Visiting Assistant Professor | 2015 |
Mark Berlin | Implementing International Law: The Criminalization of Atrocities in Domestic Legal Systems Since World War II | Marquette University | Associate Professor | 2015 |
Alfredo Carlos | Economic Democracy: From Continual Crisis to a People Oriented Economy | California State University, Long Beach | Lecturer | 2015 |
Leah Hemze | Antinomy as Critique: Popular Sovereignty as Practice and Theory | Anthem Inc. | Metrics Executive Advisor | 2015 |
Tom Le | Where Power Projection Ends: Constraints and Restraints on Japanese Militarism | Pomona College | Associate Professor | 2015 |
Bryan Nelle | Finding the Political: The Ethical Consumer and Neoliberalism | Chadwick International School, Songdo, South Korea | 2015 |
Sierra Powell | The Political Potential of Americans with Disabilities: A Study of Political Engagement and Preferences | Mt. San Antonio College Professor | Associate Professor | 2015 |
Jason Vick | A Twenty-First Century Defense of Participatory Democracy | Freelance Writer & Independent Scholar | 2015 |
Josh Gellers | Global Norms and Green Constitutions: Explaining the Emergence of Constitutional Environmental Rights | University of North Florida | Associate Professor | 2014 |
Kris Coulter | The Personal is Juridical: Explaining the Variation in the Legal Treatment of Women and Men in the United States Supreme Court | University of Wisconsin, Green Bay | Assistant Professor | 2014 |
Heidi Haddad | Advocates, Institution Builders, and Gatekeepers: NGOs and International Human Rights Justice | Pomona College | Associate Professor of Politics | 2014 |
Ryan Shirah | Institutional Legacy and the Stability of New Democracies: The Lasting Effects of Competitive Authoritarianism | University of Tennessee | Institutional Research Analyst | 2014 |
Bron Tamulis | Louis Althusser, Leo Strauss, and the Theoretical Turn in Political Leadership | Charter Oak State College | Teaching Faculty | 2014 |
Wilfred Wan | Institutional Change and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime | Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Director of Weapons of Mass Destruction Programme | 2014 |
Amy Grubb | The microdynamics of violence and order : variations in community security processes | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | Associate Professor | 2014 |
Neil Chaturvedi | Hiding and Hedging: Surviving the Ideological Center in the United States Senate | California State Polytechnic University, Pomona | Associate Professor | 2013 |
Nathan Jones | The State Reaction: A Theory of Illicit Network Resilience | Sam Houston State University | Associate Professor | 2013 |
Victoria Wilson | Deconstructing race and gender in the 2008 presidential election | Asian Pacific American Legal Center | Research Analyst | 2013 |
Andrea Vandom | The effect of wages on extortion | House 47 | Managing Partner | 2013 |
Danvy Le | Under pressure? : effects of social pressure on political participation in a vietnamese community in California | Cal State University East Bay | Assistant Professor | 2013 |
Colin Moore | Foreign policy and the six-party talks: the effects of regime type and state vulnerability | Sacramento City College Adjunct Professor | 2012 |
Karl Kruse | Markets in regulation: the regulators, incentives, and pathways for change | Management Consultant | 2012 |
Adam Martin | Forgiveness in an age of terror: the political psychology of forgiving the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks | Graceland University, Iowa | Assistant Professor | 2012 |
Kathryn Cooper | Discrimination and participation : the effect of perceived gender discrimination on women's political activity | Federal Government | 2012 |
Amy Alexander | The gender gap in parliamentarians' pathways, roles, styles and policy attitudes: comparisons across parties and nations in Western Europe | Assistant Professor, Political Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden | 2011 |
Madeline Baer | Privatizing water: globalization, states and human rights | Occidental College | Associate Professor, Diplomacy & World Affairs | 2011 |
Alix Van Sickle | Beyond electoral democracy: civil society and the construction of democratic citizenship in Latin America | Point Loma Nazarine University, Adjunct Professor | 2011 |
Nathan Jones | The state reaction: a theory of illicit network resilience | Sam Houston State University, Associate Professor of Security Studies | 2011 |
Denise Robb | The effect of instant runoff voting on democracy [electronic resource] | Pierce College (CA), Assistant Professor | 2011 |
Bridget Portman | Death anxiety and political ideology: a multimethod investigation | Santa Clara University, Adjunct Professor | 2011 |
Zahra Ahmed | Service learning in policy and practice: a study of service learning across three universities | UC Irvine, Director, Civic & Community Engagement | 2010 |
Thomas Doyle | Moral dilemmas: acquiring nuclear weapons in the second nuclear age | Associate Professor, Political Science, Texas State University, San Marcos | 2010 |
Kathy Rim | In solidarity? the influence of racial group consciousness on Asian American political behavior | Wesleyan University, Assistant Professor | 2010 |
Christopher Stout | Black empowerment in the Age of Obama | Wellesley College, Assistant Professor | 2010 |
Armando Ibarra Salazar | Poverty in the valley of plenty: Mexican families and migrant work in California | University of Wisconsin, School for Workers, Assistant Professor | 2010 |
Willy Jou | Left-right orientations in new democracies [electronic resource]: cognition, contents, consequences | Waseda University, Japan, Postdoc | 2010 |
Reuben Kline | Essays in political economy | SUNY, Stonybrook, Associate Professor | 2010 |
Christopher Balding | The political economics of international trade: the impact of institutions, governance quality, and public spending | HSBC School of Business, Beijing University, Assistant Professor | 2009 |
Robin Bowman | Uncovering the conditions of terrorism by armed Muslim separatist groups in the Philippines through the variable interaction analysis | Defense Department | 2009 |
John Ensch | Electoral systems and regional cooperation: politics and economics in Metropolitan Planning Organizations | Private Industry, Germany | 2009 |
P. Brian Fisher | Reframing global climate change: achieving human security for vulnerable communities | College of Charleston, Assistant Professor | 2009 |
Bruce Hemmer | The democratization of peacebuilding: the political engagement of peacebuilding NGOs in democratizing societies | U.S. Department of State | 2009 |
Nhu-Ngoc Ong | Governing music in Vietnam: from socialist to post-socialist use of nationalism | Publisher and Editor in Chief, Viet Tide Magazine, Garden Grove CA | 2009 |
Saba Ozyurt | Integrating Muslim immigrant women in the United States and the Netherlands: effects of religiosity and migrant religious institutions | Alliant International University, Associate Professor | 2009 |
Becki Scola | Are all states created equal: the supply and demand of women state legislators | St. Joseph's University (PA), Associate Professor | 2009 |
Daniel Wehrenfennig | The missing link: citizen dialogue in Northern Ireland and Israel/Palestine | Executive Director, The Olive Tree Initiative, UC Irvine | 2009 |
Molly Patterson | The dynamics of deliberation: power and structuration in democratic communication | Associate Professor, Aquinas College | 2008 |
Ballestero Lee | Citizen support in democracies: the effects of media exposure and content on attitudes toward democracy | Moorpark College Professor | 2008 |
Joe Bergeron | Social movement promotion of public policy during challenging times | University of Wisconsin-Parkside Assistant Professor | 2008 |
Titus Chen | Capped socialization: how have international norms changed China, 1860-2007 | National Chenchi University, Taipei, Assistant Research Fellow | 2008 |
Natalie Masuoka | Rethinking race and politics: mixed race and the trajectory of minority politics in the United States | University of California Los Angeles, Associate Professor | 2008 |
Stephen Nuño | Messenger politics: the influence of co-ethnic partisan recruitment on Latino vote choice | Northern Arizona University Assistant Professor | 2008 |
Michael Latner | Metropolitan fragmentation and electoral mobilization: a study of the impact of residential settlement patterns on voter turnout in the United States | Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Assistant Professor | 2008 |
Bogdan Radu | Traditional believers and democratic citizens: a contextualized analysis of the effects of religion on support for democracy in East Central Europe | Babes-Bolyai University, Bucharest, Assistant Professor | 2008 |
Brenda Seaver | Political instability, dual transitions, and militarized interstate conflict in the post-Cold War era | Central Intelligence Agency, Senior Political Analyst | 2000 |
* (in most cases, initial placement after leaving UCI Only)
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