Course Offerings - 2024-25 Academic School Year

The courses listed below are subject to change. Please consult the University Registrar's Searchable Schedule of Classes for up-to-date course information.



Course Number Course Title
Pol Sci 21A Intro to Am Govt
Pol Sci 31A Intro to Pol Theory
Pol Sci 32A Intro to Pol Theory
Pol Sci 41A Intro to International Relations
Pol Sci 51A Intro to Pol Around the World
Pol Sci 61A Intro to Race & Ethnicity ONLINE
Pol Sci 71A Intro to Law
Pol Sci 121A The American Presidency
Pol Sci 121C U.S. Elections and Voting Behavior
Pol Sci 121HW Writing for POTUS
Pol Sci 128BW Political Ideologies: The Way We View Our World
Pol Sci 134F Social and Political Theory
Pol Sci 139 Rise Liberal Democracy
Pol Sci 139 Capit & its Critics
Pol Sci 141B International Political Economy
Pol Sci 142D U.S. Foreign Policy I
Pol Sci 149 Approaches to Peacebuilding
Pol Sci 149 Secrecy and Transparency in IP
Pol Sci 159 Rich Poor States
Pol Sci 159 Politics of Decolonization
Pol Sci 159 Politics of Genetics
Pol Sci 159 Israeli Politics and Society
Pol Sci 179 Art of Trial Law
Pol Sci 179 Law Race
Pol Sci 179 Historical Supreme Court
Pol Sci 182A Honor's Thesis Workshop





Course Number Course Title
Pol Sci 11A Intro to Pol Analysis
Pol Sci 21A Intro to Am Govt
Pol Sci 31A Intro to Pol Theory
Pol Sci 41A Intro to International Relations
Pol Sci 51A Intro to Pol Around the World
Pol Sci 61A Intro to Race & Ethnicity
Pol Sci 71A Intro to Law
Pol Sci 121F Presidents Since World War II
Pol Sci 124A The Politics of Protest
Pol Sci 124B Latinos in U.S. Politics
Pol Sci 125A The United States Congress
Pol Sci 126F Politics of Animal Rights
Pol Sci 128C Political Psychology
Pol Sci 129 Gender & American Politics
Pol Sci 130A Game Theory and Politics
Pol Sci 139 Liberalism and Conserv
Pol Sci 139 Medieval Jewish Thought
Pol Sci 141C International Political Economy of E Asia
Pol Sci 142B The International Relations of East Asia
Pol Sci 147E Critical Investigations into Humanitarianism in Africa
Pol Sci 149 International Organizations
Pol Sci 149 Global Inequality
Pol Sci 151B Political Power in Contemporary China
Pol Sci 154 Conflict Resolution
Pol Sci 154K Antisemitism
Pol Sci 159 Failed States
Pol Sci 159 African Politics
Pol Sci 179 Free Speech and Democracy
Pol Sci 179 Debating the Constiution
Pol Sci 179 Modern Supreme Court
Pol Sci 180D Honors Sem Pol Sci





Course Number Course Title
Pol Sci 21A Intro to Am Govt
Pol Sci 31A Intro to Pol Theory
Pol Sci 41A Intro to International Relatiosn
Pol Sci 51A Intro to Pol Around the World
Pol Sci 61A Intro to Race & Ethnicity ONLINE
Pol Sci 71A Intro to Law
Pol Sci 121G American Public Policy
Pol Sci 126G Sex,Drugs,Rock Law
Pol Sci 129 Social Media Politics
Pol Sci 129 Racial Attitudes
Pol Sci 129 JFK & LBJ
Pol Sci 129 Sex, Law and Politics
Pol Sci 131C Modern Pol Theory
Pol Sci 135B Just War Revisited
Pol Sci 136BW The Phil of the Other
Pol Sci 139 American Pol Thought
Pol Sci 141E US Foreign Policy Towards Asia
Pol Sci 143D East Asian Security
Pol Sci 143G Homeland Security
Pol Sci 149 International Security
Pol Sci 149 Peace in the Middle East
Pol Sci 151H Voting and Pol Manipulation
Pol Sci 159 Politics of Development in Global South
Pol Sci 159 Gender and Development
Pol Sci 159 Security and Democracy in Israel
Pol Sci 159 Post Soviet Eurasia
Pol Sci 171CW US Supreme Court
Pol Sci 179 Justice
Pol Sci 179 Civil Liberties